One of the most popular software used when preparing documents, mainly text, is MS Word. This program provides a wide array of tools and options that help its users in the process of creating linguistically correct and visually attractive content. Word is also a great tool for translation and proofreading, and is regularly used by our translators and proofreaders.
Translation by a native speaker in Word-like software
The majority of professional translators use CAT tools to work on their assignments (which does not mean they machine translate!). CAT tools divide the text into segments and allows a translator to work one sentence at a time in a bilingual table. MS Word can change the text into a table and create a user-friendly working environment. Our translators can also simply insert the translation beneath the original ? paragraph after paragraph ? or, most often, simply replace the source text with its foreign language version. At eCORRECTOR, almost all our translations are carried out by translators who are native speakers of the target language. We also use specialist native speaker translators for texts that require in-depth knowledge of the subject, such as advanced scientific and engineering texts.
Proofreading by a native speaker in Word-like software
At eCORRECTOR we provide two types of service. Standard proofreading which is carried highly qualified and experienced linguists who are native speakers of the target language. We also provide specialist proofreading which is aimed at authors of academic and scientific texts. This type of specialist proofreading is carried out by native speakers who hold PhD?s or are qualified doctors of medicine/physiotherapy etc. The track-changes mode, provided by Word, is very useful here ? the programme shows each change made by the proofreader, from substantial edits to the smallest change. Comments can also be inserted where sentences may be unclear or additional input from the author is recommended. It is possible to save the file like that or accept the changes to get a clean file.
If you have any questions concerning our translation and proofreading services in various formats (like PDF, InCopy, LaTex, PowerPoint, Excel and many other), do not hesitate to contact us via the expert chat or our email box info@ecorrector.com
About eCORRECTOR: Mission statement: to ensure textually clear, grammatically correct and properly localised proofreading and translations by native speakers of the target language.
eCORRECTOR has an excellent track record of providing proofreading and translations to individual academics, institutes and businesses. We are building a solid reputation and have a large number of customers who reuse our services as well as recommended it to others.
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