Workshops and Training
eCORRECTOR provides tailored workshops and training for scientists.
Please find below our webinars presentations as well as information about latest workshops.
Workshops and Lectures

eCORRECTOR has launched TikTok and YouTube shorts accounts to provide free advice on science writing and submitting work for publication.
The content is created by Mark J Hunt, PhD, who is a co-founder of eCORRECTOR.
The accounts will regularly upload new science writing advice, covering topics such as writing the Discussion, crafting the Abstract, responding to reviewers’ comments, and more.
Visit and start following eCORRECTOR’s TIKTOK and YOUTUBE accounts to access valuable advice and guidance for science writers.

eCORRECTOR’s webinar: Scientific writing – An Unexpected Journey
What will we talk about?
How to start writing
Get to know your audience
Know your worth and limits
Tips and tricks
eCORRECTOR’s webinar: Top Tips and Common Mistakes in Scientific Writing
What you need to do before even starting writing your paper?
Differences between UK and US English
Tips for Chemistry and Biochemistry Papers
Common mistakes to avoid
eCORRECTOR’s webinar – Writing scientific manuscripts – work smarter, not harder?
How to use journal’s guidelines to your advantage
How to get on the good side of an editor reviewing your paper
How not to be a “time traveler” and stick only to one “time line” (see what happened in the Marvel universe)
Is it better to be “passive” or “active”
How each section should be constructed to have more impact and clarity

eCORRECTOR’s webinar “Essentials of Writing Good Academic Papers: Tips & Tricks?”
How to submit your paper and how editors handle submissions
The manuscript submission process using a journal platform and how the review process works
How to start writing your first paper

Maximizing Opportunities for Scientific and Academic Independent Careers (MOSAIC)
How to respond to reviewers? comments with real examples from response letters
6 th International Medical Science Pulse Conference, Opole
Common mistakes Polish authors make when writing a biomedical paper
How to write a convincing response letter to reviewers
Our Head of Proofreading, Dr hab. Mark J. Hunt, attended and presented his research findings at this international meeting.

Structure of a biomedical research paper
How to acoid a common writing problem – the text is difficult to follow?.
Software that can help to prepare publications
Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology
Why publish your work?
Overview of a typical research paper
How to write more scientific English clearly

The goal of the event is to establish exchange of research results regarding electrophysiology
Keynote speeches were delivered by leading European scientists
Mark J. Hunt, attended and presented his research findings at this international meeting.
Institute of Psychiatry and Neurology, Warsaw
Our first strategic business area: proofreading academic texts
Our business process: end user proofreading
Beyond academia: applications of end user proofreading to life science translations

XI Electrophysiological Conference, Warsaw
5th International Conference Medical Science Pulse ?Interdisciplinary Science & Research?, Opole
Structure of a research paper
Common mistakes when writing scientific English