It is a great pleasure to cooperate once more with the Maritime University of Szczecin within a new tender for proofreading their Scientific Journals. We have already provided our native speaker proofreading services in this regard, which resulted in obtaining a Certificate of Acknowledgement.
Since 1973, Scientific Journals has been publishing manuscripts, proceedings and theses discussing the most current research findings in the fields of marine engineering and innovation, navigation and maritime transport as well as transportation engineering, nautical issues, operation of the vessel, marine power plant operation. An astounding number of 112 issues were published before 2014.
The journal is highly evaluated in many academic circles. It has been awarded with 8 points in the Ministry of Science and Higher Education rank; its Index Copernicus Value (ICV 2015) achieved the value of 87.49 and the publication has an Impact Factor result of 0.854.
eCORRECTOR contributes to the rising position of Scientific Journals by providing high quality proofreading services of academic texts. We employ the best specialists in the abovementioned fields to ensure the required level of publication.
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