
Native English PhD Editing & Proofreading

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What is PhD Editing?

PhD Editing is designed to improve the overall writing in order that your text may have maximum impact. This service usually involves substantial textual changes and includes those covered our proofreading. The goal of editing at eCORRECTOR is to enhance the language so that it is close how a native English speaker would have written. Editing is appropriate for texts where the author is not fluent in English and where major language revisions have been recommended by reviewers. Editing is more expensive than proofreading since it is more proactive.

Who are our proofreaders and editors?

Our proofreaders all hold PhD?s or equivalent e.g., doctor of medicine, doctor of law. We carry out strict quality assurance to ensure they are of the highest standards. Most are actively publishing scientists based in the UK or USA. We do not issue proofreading/editing to PhD candidates.

What is PhD Proofreading?

PhD Proofreading is designed to perfect texts that are already well-written. This service includes spelling, grammar, consistency of terminology and punctuation checks. Proofreading is suitable when reviewers have suggested minor (not substantial) language changes are required or where the author is already confident with their written English ? for example if the author regularly publishes in high impact journals with minimal language assistance.