At eCORRECTOR we are well aware that scientists and business people frequently deliver presentations (e.g. prepared in the abovementioned PowerPoint or increasingly popular Prezi) at meetings and international conferences in order to showcase their latest results. Important professional presentations can be easily let down by badly written slides, containing awkward phrasing, spelling mistakes and various other typos. The expert proofreaders and translators at eCORRECTOR are able to edit and review your presentation to ensure that language errors are removed and the sentences are correctly structured and properly flow.
PowerPoint, a component of the MS Office Pack, is a tool frequently used to prepare visual presentations. It is easy to operate, even for basic users. It also features functions that enable translators and proofreaders to easily work with the text. All text bars are editable, therefore improving the language or translating the message into another language or editing the content is not a problem.
At eCORRECTOR we strive to fulfil all the langauge needs of the academics and businesses we work with. We have already translated and proofread files delivered in a variety of other formats, including PDFs, InCopy and LaTex. By extending our services to include PowerPoint files, not only will the content be linguistically correct, but this have the added benefit of giving you greater confidence when delivering your presentation.
If you have any questions relating to our translation and proofreading services please contact us at info@ecorrector.com.
eCORRECTOR has an excellent track record of providing proofreading and translations to individual academics, institutes and businesses. We are building a solid reputation and have a large number of customers who reuse our services as well as recommended it to others.
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