It can take between two and five years (or even longer) to complete the research needed for a scientific publication. When work is peer-reviewed for publication the clarity and style of writing can sometimes be almost as important as the results themselves. There are clear differences between the style of writing and types of mistakes that tend to occur in different fields of science (e.g. biomedical science, chemistry, engineering, and the social sciences).
Our mission at eCORRECTOR is to provide language support to academics intending to publish their work in academic journals. The quality of our proofreading is validated by the large number of returning authors and recommendation of our service to their colleagues. We recognise the important contribution that specialist proofreading can make to the chances of a submission being accepted or rejected.
Further, we are well-aware of the differences in scientific writing across the major scientific fields. At eCORRECTOR we work with specialists in all major fields of science, which motivated us to prepare a series of writing guides for key areas of science.
- Each guide is targeted to a specific area of science.
- Guides are prepared in collaboration with PhD?s who have their own impressive record of publications and often work as reviewers or editors ? their support gives access to practical tips on how to improve the chances of getting a positive review.
- The guides will be available online allows you to access each guide whenever and wherever you need to.
The guides will be published online at the beginning of each month. The series starts with social sciences in June, followed by chemistry in July and bioengineering in August. Updates about forthcoming guides will be placed online. We hope authors will find these guides useful as they prepare their work for publication. The guides are not only a ?how to improve your English?; they will also point out effective ways you can improve the overall presentation of your manuscript, such as structure, scientific rigor and figure layout.
Please contact us if there is an area of science that you would like us to examine in a future issue. You can also take a look at our previous guide on scientific writing – the upcoming ones will be much more speecialised:
About eCORRECTOR: Mission statement: to ensure textually clear, grammatically correct and properly localised translations by native speakers of the target language
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