Spring has finally come and with it a new issue of Tetex Magazine. It is particularly interesting since its content is closely tied to the Techtextil 2017 Trade Fair. This highly prestigious event entitled ?Living in Space? is being held in Frankfurt.
Tetex has teamed up with tycoons, including NASA and Boeing, to deliver the latest cutting-edge information about technical textiles in space. One of the most fascinating cosmos-related articles in the magazine concern the application of BEAM (Bigelow Expandable Activity Module) technology for deep space habitation and a new design of spacesuits. Moreover, the Zero 2 Infinity company revealed some details of their most recent rocket launch. The issue also discusses colonisation of the Moon through the eyes of three female scientists and possibilities of inhabiting other planets thanks to the FREEDOMES solutions.
A more down-to-earth approach is taken by ContiTech, which discusses their new type of fabrics that can ensure high levels of safety under extreme temperatures. In terms of safety, the Volvo Car, UK has come up with a new type of spray that enhances visibility of commuters after dark. The Spring 2017 issue also discusses new anti-burglary tarpaulin materials which encompasses a state-of-the-art alarm system. Safety is also related to health, so it is advisable to read the paper about hazardous phthalates and how to avoid them in materials. Of note, the interview with John Bryant, the creator of a new type of a respirator, is a real treat for health enthusiasts.
The Spring 2017 issue of the Tetex Magazine covers numerous other topics, not only the ones mentioned above. We are proud to report that due to a close cooperation with the Tetex Magazine regarding translation and proofreading we were able to present our services during the Techtextil Trade Fair. Each stand visitor received our brand bookmark attached to the purchased magazine issue. We strongly encourage you to take a look at the newest issue of Tetex Magazine as well as visit the team during the Techtextil Fair in Hall 4.1, Stand L47.
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