Our services regarding translation and proofreading by native speakers find more and more applications. A wide scope of tasks we have been entrusted with ? such as translating and proofreading scientific, medical or application texts and documents, along with professional audio recordings ? has a new category, namely translating subtitles to promotional films.
We have commenced cooperation with the Stowarzyszenie Grupa Odrolnika, which joins consumers and producers of high quality food. Their goal is to initiate and support actions preserving small traditional farms as well as old breeds of animals and plants, which leads to cultivating the traditions of Polish countryside.
The most recent project of the Grupa Odrolnika is creating advertisements promoting the unique cuisine of Małopolska and the region per se. A curious fact regards the cultural impact of Małopolska cuisine on Europe ? not many of us know that a large number of local culinary products typical for this geographical area is included in European Union schemes of geographical indications and traditional specialties.
Joint project of eCORRECTOR and Stowarzyszenie Grupa Odrolnika
Our task within the said project regarded translating subtitles for the promotional movies into English. The goal was to accurately present the unique nature of this Polish region and encourage tourists as well as consumers to acquaint themselves with its rich offer. You can take a look at the results of our cooperation by clicking on one of the links below:
This mutually beneficial cooperation with Stowarzyszenie Grupa Odrolnika is a reason for us to be proud. It is also an opportunity to gain new experience. Our professional, highly qualified translators and native speakers experienced in proofreading passed this test with flying colours. We are sure that we will handle any tasks related to translating subtitles into any language. We cannot wait for more interesting projects!
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