As 2018 approached, many of us made a resolution ? to stop smoking, eat more healthy, read one book a week?How about your academic career? Have you made a commitment to improve your writing skills this year? We have delved into the depths of out Scientist?s Library to recommend our favourites ? and the choice was not that easy!
One of the ways you can fulfil this promise ? whether you?ve made it earlier or are considering it just now ? is to familiarise yourself with a publication that discusses all tricks of this trade. To learn the basics, we recommend our first scientific writing guide devoted to this issue. You can find its online edition right here: https://ecorrector.com/advice-writing-better-scientific-articles/. We also published several other guides that are devoted to the specificity of academic writing in particular areas.
If you would like to learn more, our Scientist?s Library has many published resources to offer. For those of you that want to solifidy your knowledge, we recommend The Handbook of Scholarly Writing and Publishing. Those of you that need only a few tips to become masters of academic writing may highly enjoy Writing and Publishing a Scientific Research Paper. Other publications addressing the issue of academic writing may be found here: https://ecorrector.com/published-books/.
Some of us prefer a more direct contact with a subject-matter specialist ? here?s where webinars come in handy! Our Scientist?s Library also features a number of short movies and recordings that prove that scientific writing is a skill you can master. We all can enjoy The University of British Columbia Science Writing, while those more thorough can find Publishing Your Research 101 highly interesting.
We sincerely hope that you will find some useful materials in our Scientist?s Library to complete your resolution. The entire eCORRECTOR team wishes you all the best in the upcoming 12 months! If you have any questions, you can contact us via email (info@ecorrector.com) or via the expert chat.
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