The current Techtextil trade fair (14-17 May 2019) has been as exciting as ever! We met hundreds of exhibitors and thousands of people interested in the development of the technical textile industry. It has been a real pleasure to attend the event this year!
The programme of Techtextil
Each edition is packed with fascinating exhibitions and accompanying events so that each visitor can find something to enjoy. This year, the products presented were grouped into 23 categories: Research, development, planning, consulting; Technology, processes, accessories; Fibres and yarns; Woven fabrics, laid webs, braidings, warp-knitted fabrics; Nonwovens; Coated textiles; Composites; Bondtec (Surface and bonding techniques); Functional Apparel Textiles; Associations; Publisher; Agrotech; Buildtech; Clothtech; Geotech; Hometech; Indutech; Medtech; Mobiltech; Oekotech; Packtech; Protech and Sporttech. Seeing all the innovations and listening about scientific developments is mind-blowing!
We particularly enjoyed the special event entitled ?Urban Living ? City of the Future.? It presented solutions that may help us comfortably live in cities that undergo rapid development. The products presented regarded functional apparel, mobility concepts, food supplies and health services. The sustainability-related exhibitions were also very appealing! Textile innovations in this area are more and more highlighted, making it a promising area for development.
eCORRECTOR at Techtextil
We are always excited to attend this trade fair with the TETEX team. Since we cooperate with companies operating in the technical textile industry and assist TETEX in preparing their magazine issues, this invaluable experience helps us improve our services in this sector. We are always happy to discuss with trade fair attendees the situations they encounter while expanding their textile product portfolio.
If you would like to learn how we can help your technical textile research, do not hesitate to contact us. We will gladly prepare a tailor-made offer.
Mission statement: to ensure textually clear, grammatically correct and properly localised proofreading and translations by native speakers of the target language.
eCORRECTOR has an excellent track record of providing proofreading and translations to individual academics, institutes and businesses. We are building a solid reputation and have a large number of customers who reuse our services as well.
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