Text editing & proofreading – How we process your text
Text editing & proofreading is our specialization. Every year our best PhD native speakers proofread and edit hundreds of scientific manuscripts in order to facilitate their fast publication. We fully understand the time and effort it takes to prepare a publication. That is why we take considerable time and effort to provide you with the best quality service. But how exactly is it done?

PhD proofreading or PhD editing?
Which one is right for you?
Text editing – stylistic changes, rewording awkward/long sentences + proofing. This is for texts when reviewers have recommended language major changes or where authors are not confident in their English.
Further information can be found here
If you are not sure whether your scientific manuscript requires editing or proofreading we are there to help you!

Assigning the best PhD editor!

Your manuscript with the PhD proofreader/editor
Further information about our PhD editors and proofreaders can be found here.
We never use PhD students, most of our PhD’s are published authors and active researchers. They understand all aspects of the publication process to help your text receive the linguistic changes that it needs.
We guarantee confidentiality.

Additional in-house checks for quality assurance.
These involve the spellcheck, formatting issues etc & the final acceptance.
If we have queries these are raised with the PhD editor or proofreader who worked on the text. This step ensures that all authors receive a quality-assured text.

PhD, Hab. Associate Professor Mark J. Hunt
- BSc (Pharmacology) King’s College London
- PhD (Pharmacology) Trinity College, University of Cambridge
- Postdoc – University of Nice Sophia Antipolis
- Associate Professor, M. Nencki | Polish Academy of Sciences
- 15 years experience in scientific proofreading
Mission statement: to provide language support to academics, whose first language is not English, and to break down any language barriers so that the results speak for themselves.”

Text editing that you participate in!
Manuscript acceptance matters to us.
You will receive your proofread / edited text in 2 versions a final and a track-changes version. We strongly advise to the authors to carefully read the comments visible in track-changes version as they often contain important information from the PhD proofreader or editor that can improve the text and pre-empt reviewer criticism.
Author satisfaction and eventual acceptance of your manuscripts are both extremely important to us. For this reason, we are able to follow-up immediately to any specific queries you may have regarding your text editing / proofreading.

SUBMISSION & PUBLICATION of the manuscript
Now after you accepted the text you can send the final version for the publication. Alongside your text you will receive a certificate of proofreading or editing which is sometimes required by journal editors.
We realise that it may take up to 2-3 months to receive a decision from the journal editor about your paper. We send out a questionnaire 3 months after first receiving your text for any relevant feedback. This also acts as a reminder in case your text requires any further modifications based on the reviewers’ comments.
The authors that successfully published say this about our services:
More author reviews...I highly recommend eCorrector services.
“It has been a pleasure to work with the team of eCORRECTOR, particularly with Justyna. They are very collaborative, responsive, and understanding of customer needs. I can highly recommend their services.”
-Prof. Gianfranco Minati, Italian Systems Society, Milan, Italy
Italian System Society →
No reservations about the language!
“Let me start by saying that the previous text you proofread has been published and the reviewers had no reservations about the language. If possible, I would like to maintain our cooperation and use your language services again.”
– dr Karol Bronisz, Warsaw University of Life Sciences WULS | SGGW
I have no remarks or questions ? the proofreading is perfect.
“Now I understand the sensation you stirr at our Faculty – almost everyone I ask about good proofreaders recommends you. Thank you very much, I have no remarks or questions – the proofreading is perfect. Thanks to you at least one complaint of reviewers – my English – has been considered…”
– dr Mirosław Szydłowski, Forest Research Institute
Excellent selection of experts!
“We would like to thank eCORRECTOR, especially the proofreader and other people working on our paper for their valuable comments concerning the content, style and language. Our cooperation has been very satisfactory, as so far no editor has suggested any modifications of the English text you provided. Thank you very much. Please give our thanks to the native speakers? team, especially to Mark for such an excellent selection of experts.”
– prof. dr hab. Zbigniew Sierota, Forest Research Institute – IBLES
High quality of translations and professional staff!
“I have used eCORRECTOR services many times. I come back most of all for the high quality of translations, but also kind and professional staff. They always establish a good rapport, react quickly and ensure a top quality service”
– dr Magdalena Czałczyńska-Podolska, The West Pomeranian University of Technology, Szczecin