Most universities have already commenced a new academic year ? corridors are again full of chatting students and professors rushing towards lecture halls. We hope the following year will be fruitful for both parties. For a good start, we have prepared a new promotion addressed at the scientists and their students. In October you will get a 10% discount on proofreading scientific texts!
Why is it beneficial to hire a native speaker for proofreading scientific texts?
A great publication upgrades the prestige of a scientist? especially if it is prepared in a foreign language. Such a text frequently implies the global character of research, with its implications not limited to the familiar grounds of one?s university. Therefore, it is worth the effort to include such items in the scope of scientific achievements. However, even highly advanced knowledge of the language and area of research does not guarantee an error-free text. eCORRECTOR comes to your rescue with its special service ? proofreading scientific texts.
A scientific publication is a completely different type of text. Therefore, a random person cannot be entrusted with proofreading it. It is our priority to hand such a task to a competent person. It has to be an expert in the area with a rich scientific background and a PhD title as well as native speaker?s linguistic competence. Only selecting such a person guarantees the removal of all mistakes, especially content-based inconsistencies. Our service ensures a positive review result. More details on our offer may be found on our website.
Quality control for proofreading scientific texts is our ground rule
An additional precaution on the part of eCORRECTOR in cases of proofreading scientific texts is the Quality Control Procedure. Mark Hunt, Ph.D., personally supervises the correct course of the entire proofreading process, using the experience gathered e.g. while publishing his own scientific achievements. Each completed assignment is given a Certificate of Proofreading by a Native Speaker; it is often required by editors of foreign journals. Such a document guarantees linguistic and content-based value of the article.
To ease the process of preparing a professional scientific publication, we would like to remind you about one of our publications. Our guidebook contains the most useful clues on writing an article.
We cordially invite you to explore our service regarding proofreading scientific texts, even when October is over. Our professionalism is confirmed by the fact that we are the recommended proofreader of the Ginekologia Polska journal. We are also the only proofreader of the Scientific Journals published by the Maritime Academy in Szczecin.
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