eCORRECTOR partners with II National Interdisciplinary Conference “Eureka”

eCORRECTOR partners with II National Interdisciplinary Conference “Eureka”

Thanks to its interdisciplinarity, the II Ogólnopolska Konferencja Interdyscyplinarna “Eureka” [Eng. 2nd National Interdisciplinary Conference “Eureka”] is one of those rare moments when scientists active in various fields and research facilities around the country can unite and exchange experience. It is a precious opportunity as it may shed new light on the conducted research and help find innovative solutions. The picturesque International Conference Centre in Krzyżowa, where the conference shall be held, will welcome academics representing areas such as engineering,


Free language consultations online – March edition

Free language consultations online – March edition

Are you in the middle of writing a paper and have no idea how to express a point? Are you preparing an important response to reviewers and it is difficult to defend your view in a polite way? Perhaps you are ready to submit your publication, but have questions about the letter of recommendation? Or you want to apply for a position and need some advice on a scientific CV as well as a convincing letter? Is there a peculiarity


eCORRECTOR at the ATC Language Industry Summit

eCORRECTOR at the ATC Language Industry Summit

Last week (22-23/09) eCORRECTOR attended one of the major international translation conferences ?  ATC Language Industry Summit. This year’s jubilee meeting (ATC celebrates its 40th anniversary) took place in a breath-taking location in London, you can enjoy the view below. What did we learn at the ATC conference? The views were impressive as always, but the summit schedule made an even greater impression. The conference, sponsored by companies such as Voicebox, SDL Trados, SmartCAT, Matecat, XTM, Plunet, Easyling and MemoQ, has a very rich programme of lectures