According to a popular opinion, a CV in Spanish is easier to construct than e.g. a British or German one. One of the reasons is that they are in general less detailed. Nevertheless, they still constitute a challenge. Studying or working in a country as beautiful as Spain may be a life-turning opportunity. While developing our CV Man project, we have gathered several dos and don?ts to help you explore this option.
YES for a CV in Spanish:
- Mention the job you are applying for, it?s best to put this information at the beginning.
- Include a photo. It is a recommended move to gain advantage. Therefore, a lot of attention has to be devoted to it to send the right message. It should make the applicant look confident, professional and trustworthy. The photo can be business-like or set in a professional surrounding, but definitely not a holiday one.
- Use bullets. A CV in Spanish is less detailed, but at the same time very matter-of-fact. Flowery language should be avoided in favour of short yet informative phrases
- Prove your language skills. Being concise does not exclude showing language skills. Spanish in the main document should be grammatically correct and levelled, while all languages are to be enlisted along with an estimation of proficiency.
- Update your documents. If you have a CV prepared some time ago, remember to check if dates and details are still correct (or applicable).
- Remember to include your current address and contact details. If you have a LinkedIn profile ? paste the link in documents sent online.
- It is perfectly fine to mention titles and certifications you have received. A driving licence may also be put here.
NO for a CV in Spanish:
- Translation of universally recognised English words (e.g. marketing) is not really necessary and may in fact create awkwardness of expression.
- Don?t rely on your intuition for counterparts of job or academic titles. If there are no official equivalents, leave them in their original form.
- Don?t list your employment and education in a chronological order. It?s important to put the most recent achievements on top.
- Don?t be too modest. Recruiters have to see that you are a perfect candidate, the only one that can meet their requirements.
Irrespective of the language, each CV has to be written in an error-free manner. It is advisable to show it to a native speaker of a language in which you have prepared your application or, if you are not confident enough, ask a professional for help. The eCORRECTOR company can help you in both situations. We provide translation as well as proofreading services performed by native speakers of target languages. If you have any questions regarding our projects, do not hesitate to contact us.
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