Are you in the middle of writing a paper and have no idea how to express a point?
Are you preparing an important response to reviewers and it is difficult to defend your view in a polite way?
Perhaps you are ready to submit your publication, but have questions about the letter of recommendation?
Or you want to apply for a position and need some advice on a scientific CV as well as a convincing letter?
Is there a peculiarity of the English language that is difficult to grasp without a native speaker’s helping hand?
If you said yes to any of the above – great!
On 15 March between 6pm and 7pm CET you will have a unique opportunity to join free language consultations at eCORRECTOR. The expert answering your questions is dr hab. Mark Hunt. The goal of the consultations is to help authors of scientific publication who work on their papers, replies to reviewers or applications.
How does it work?
The only thing you need to do is to log onto our expert chat (15 March, between 6pm and 7pm), where dr Mark Hunt will be waiting for your questions. Your queries should be rather short and precise, expressed in the English or Polish language. You don’t have to sign up earlier or pay a fee – the consultations are totally free of charge!
If you want to know more about scientific writing, you can visit our Scientist’s Library. It is a constantly updated and rich database of free materials (papers, books, webinars and online courses).
Dr hab. Mark Jeremy Hunt conducted his PhD research at the Department of Pharmacology, University of Cambridge. His biomedical research was then continued in French and British institutes. He has been tied to the Nencki Institute in Poland for almost 10 years and gained his habilitation there. Dr Hunt publishes over 20 papers in international journals, such as Biological Psychiatry, Journal of Neuroscience and Trends in Neuroscience, holding additional 15 years of experience in proofreading scientific manuscripts.
Accompanied by his wife, Dorota Sakowska-Hunt (MBA), he has been developing the eCORRECTOR company for more than 3 years. The offer includes proofreading and scientific editing for researchers and academic willing to submit their papers to international journals.
Mission statement: to ensure textually clear, grammatically correct and properly localised proofreading and translations by native speakers of the target language.
eCORRECTOR has an excellent track record of providing proofreading and translations to individual academics, institutes and businesses. We are building a solid reputation and have a large number of customers who reuse our services as well as recommended it to others.
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