Research, especially in rapidly growing areas like biomedical science and engineering, requires substantial funding. Scientists have access to a number of grants that may help them finance their academic plans, e.g. the Visegrad fund, EU funds, ERC grant, NCN grants.
It is normal in the career of a scientist for grant applications to be rejected, indeed quite often the rejection rate exceeds those grants accepted. This is the case for those at the start of their career all the way through to highly experienced scientists.
Writing a grant can be considered in much the same way as writing a paper, indeed the structure of many grants are often in the style of an academic paper, requiring introductions, methods, with the results being anticipated rather than obtained (although it is often advisable to include preliminary data).
Increasingly, grants need to be prepared in English. One reason for this is so that they may be evaluated by non-Polish speaking scientists. As with academic papers, the quality of the written text can have an important influence on how the reviewer perceives the quality of the science. Clarify of language can be one of the decisive factors determining the outcome of a grant application. For example, if methodologies, expected outcome, etc are unclear or confusing it is highly likely a reviewer will not recommend the application for funding. To address this issue (and the increasing demands that parts or all of the application be submitted in English) a growing number of universities and institutes have established international offices dedicated to the preparation of grant proposals.
At eCORRECTOR we work closely with research scientists, many of who have received funding from US, UK, or Polish-based funding bodies. This expertise enable us to provide highly specialised editing of grant applications which is likely to enhance the content of the application as well as its overall professional presentation. We also offer a translation service for academics who either do not have the time to write the application or are not used to preparing applications in English. In additional to providing language support for grant applications, eCORRECTOR has a strong track record of helping academics prepare manuscripts for international peer-reviewed journals and habilitation theses.
About eCORRECTOR: Mission statement: to ensure textually clear, grammatically correct and properly localised proofreading and translations by native speakers of the target language.
eCORRECTOR has an excellent track record of providing proofreading and translations to individual academics, institutes and businesses. We are building a solid reputation and have a large number of customers who reuse our services as well as recommended it to others.
Our Head of Scientific Proofreading, dr hab. Mark J Hunt, received his PhD from the University of Cambridge, UK and has published over 20 academic papers and regularly serves as a reviewer for international journals.
We are very proud of the academic excellence of proofreaders. Here are some of the universities where our proofreaders received their PhD?s (or MBBS): University of Cambridge, University College London, King?s College London, Queen Mary University of London, University of Massachusetts, Johns Hopkins University, University of California, University of Edinburgh, University of Newcastle, Durham University, University of Arizona, University of Minnesota, University of Colorado, University of Connecticut, Ohio State University.
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