22-23 May 2018 is a very important date for science ? it?s when the Medical Science Pulse conference takes place! This annual event gathers academics interested in the issue of interdisciplinarity, understood as the cooperation of scientists from various fields and combining research methods to obtain new information. This multidirectional approach has gained considerable attention of the academic community as it opens new planes for research, inaccessible if we close ourselves to traditional disciplines.
The aim of the conference is to promote interdisciplinary research approach among young scientists and create an international platform for exchanging research-related ideas. The organisers want to break the stereotypes still prevalent in the academic society and encourage conference participants to think outside the box. Top European and American scientists (Prof. Christos Lionis, Prof. Bohumil Seifert, Henryk Hollender, Prof. Milen Todorow, to name but a few) will attend the Medical Science Pulse conference to delve into the subject-matter even deeper.
Plenary sessions with lectures by invited speakers, academic debates on the presented speeches, presenting research projects within the framework of the Master Class module (poster session) as well as specialist seminars for young scientists and students ? these are but a few of the attractions prepared by conference organisers.
eCORRECTOR also has its share! Our President and Head of Proofreading, Dr hab. Mark J. Hunt, will deliver a lecture on scientific writing in the English language as well as conduct a workshop related to this subject. So book your calendars for 22 and 23 May 2018 and meet us in Opole!
Mission statement: to ensure textually clear, grammatically correct and properly localised proofreading and translations by native speakers of the target language.
eCORRECTOR has an excellent track record of providing proofreading and translations to individual academics, institutes and businesses. We are building a solid reputation and have a large number of customers who reuse our services as well as recommended it to others.
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