Writing is a creative process that may lead to great literature or breakthrough academic papers. Irrespective of the area, authors are rarely able to critically evaluate their texts and spot all the main errors. Here?s where proofreaders enter the scene. How to choose the best service for your needs?
eCORRECTOR offers three types of proofreading services ? verification, standard proofreading and specialist proofreading. The main difference between verification and any proofreading is the fact that it includes a comparison of the translation with the source text.
At eCORRECTOR, verification tasks are assigned to a person fluent in both languages who compares the two texts sentence by sentence, checks for possible mistranslations and smoothens the target text. Verification may not be performed by a native speaker of the target text in a case where the combination involves a rare target language.
Standard Proofreading
When it comes to proofreading of any type, it does not have to include verification due to a simple reason ? the proofreader, although a native speaker of the target language, may not know the source language. The premise is to correct any language mistakes, cultural mishaps and stylistic issues in the target text, without an explicit need to consult with the original. Standard proofreading is carried out by a native speaker who holds an advanced command of their mother tongue confirmed by education and/or membership of associations such as SfEP. This service is recommended for commercial and business texts, literature, reports, etc.
Specialist Proofreading
Specialist proofreading is carried out by a linguistically skilled native speaker, but the proofreader also holds a PhD (or equivalent such as MBBS) in a relevant area and in most cases a record of their own journal publications. This service is recommended for scientific publications (papers, chapters, books, journals, etc.) as it provides an insight of another scientist, well-versed in the specificity of the field. We also attach a Certificate of Proofreading after completion of proofreading for each full text.
If you have any questions about the details of our services or are not sure which service is the best for you, do not hesitate to contact us via the expert chat or email (info@ecorrector.com).
Mission statement: to ensure textually clear, grammatically correct and properly localised proofreading and translations by native speakers of the target language.
eCORRECTOR has an excellent track record of providing proofreading and translations to individual academics, institutes and businesses. We are building a solid reputation and have a large number of customers who reuse our services as well as recommended it to others.
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