Academic writing workshop with IIMCB doctoral students (26-27.09.2019)

Academic writing workshop with IIMCB doctoral students (26-27.09.2019)

Sharing our knowledge of academic writing is always a great joy to our team. This time, we have had this opportunity in collaboration with the International Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology in Warsaw (IIMCB). Their autumn meeting at the Orle Gniazdo manor in Sromowce Wyżne (financed from the MOSAIC funds) was devoted to upgrading the skills of their PhD students and exchanging research ideas among them. Organisation that aims at internationalisation International Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology in


What standards are set for scientific publications?

What standards are set for scientific publications?

Each field has some set standards for its publications. Scientific publications also have their own structures, which must be and are respected not only in Europe, but all over the world. What are these rules? Text structure A longer scientific text should be divided into coherent and highlighted information units. This division has a hierarchical character – larger compositions contain smaller elements.Individual units of this structure are appropriately formatted with subheadings. Citations There are two types of quoting other works.