Sharing our knowledge of academic writing is always a great joy to our team. This time, we have had this opportunity in collaboration with the International Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology in Warsaw (IIMCB). Their autumn meeting at the Orle Gniazdo manor in Sromowce Wyżne (financed from the MOSAIC funds) was devoted to upgrading the skills of their PhD students and exchanging research ideas among them.
Organisation that aims at internationalisation
International Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology in Warsaw was established in 1999 to be a modern academic institute in Poland. The support of the Polish Government, Polish Academy of Sciences (PAN) and UNESCO guarantees the high level of research and parametric evaluation. Divided into nine main research units, the Institute investigates issues of structural biology, bioinformatics, computer modelling, molecular and cell biology, neurobiology, cancer biology and developmental genomics. The researchers and PhD students affiliated with IIMCB are engaged in a variety of grants, such as the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Polish Swiss Research Programme, Visegrad Fund, National Science Centre, Foundation for Polish Science, and many more.
Workshops at an impressive level
The entire event was designed as a platform for exchanging ideas between PhD candidates and fellow researchers, with the aim of improving the academic efforts and internationalising their results. We had the pleasure of attending some of the presentations and they left a really big impression. Our task was to conduct two workshops for doctoral students. The main topics covered were: 1) how to improve your scientific writing, and 2) how to respond to reviewers? comments.
We would be happy to conduct a training session at your facility. If you have questions about its possible scope, do not hesitate to contact us.
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