Translating medical documentation

Which kind of documents are suitable for our translating medical documentation service?
Medical documents
Translating medical documentation
Continuing treatment abroad
Translating medical documentation is an integral part of an efficient therapy if it is to be continued abroad. Of course, not all MDs are fluent in foreign languages and, consequently, the equivalent specialist terminology. Therefore, it is vital that examination results, diagnosis and complete medical/treatment history are provided in a form comprehensible to a given leading practitioner.
eCORRECTOR provides a professional translating medical documentation service carried out by doctors of medicine operating within specific fields, who also possess advanced language skills. Translation by medical specialists working in a particular area guarantees that the resulting documentation will be professional and accurate. Translating medical documentation into a language comprehensible to a given MD beforehand will make it possible to receive the correct treatment as soon as possible.
Who are our translators?
Doctor of medicine
Sworn translators
Respect to quality and accuracy
Aleksander Kozak, MD
biomedical translations manager
Why is translating medical documentation carried out by specialists?
Efficient treatment
Content-based standards