We are pleased to inform that a paper written by our scientific team, entitled: How to write a good abstract for a biomedical paper was published ahead of print on ?Medical Science Pulse? webpage on March 30, 2020.
All the details and full paper to download are available here.
Below we present some key points discussed in detail in the paper.
What is an abstract?
The abstract is a self-contained text that can be understood on its own, including all of the key aspects of the study that is being described.
Why is an abstract important?
The abstract and title are the most important part of your written work. This is best understood in terms of who the readers of your work are. As a general rule, a good abstract indicates a good paper, whereas a bad abstract ? a weak one.
What is the structure of an abstract?
In the 1950s, Sir Austin Bradford Hill, a British epidemiologist and statistician who was increasingly frustrated with the lack of uniformity in scientific writing, stated that there were four central questions:
1. ?Why did you start?? ? Introduction
2. ?What did you do?? ? Methods
3. ?What answer did you get?? ? Results
4. ?What does it mean?? ? Discussion
These are usually formulated into the IMRAD (Introduction, Methods, Results, and Discussion) format of papers that has been adopted by most journals.
Why is linguistic and stylistic correctness important in a good abstract?
Good scientific writing is clear and concise. Use of superfluous words, clauses, and certainly metaphors should be avoided. The terms used should be consistent with those used in the existing canon of scientific language but, aside from terminology, and the expression ? as simple as possible. publications. It is also essential to take care in finding the proper equivalents and to avoid any ambiguous wording that may cause readers? ? but firstly, reviewers? and editors? ? doubts.
You will also find some examples of a well and poorly written abstract (along with the explanation of crucial points) as well as phrases recommended for abstracts, and thus ? scientific articles (especially biomedical ones).
We encourage you to take a look at the full paper!
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