Prestigious LocWorld scientific conference with the participation of eCorrector! What is LocWorld? Today eCORRECTOR participated in LocWorld37, Warsaw. LocWorld is a leading conference associating enthusiasts of international business, translations, global management and localization sector. The participants were those who are responsible for communication that transcends language and culture in the global market. With a special emphasis on global business, the conference provides an opportunity to exchange high-quality information on the language and translation services as well as the technology market.
Read more -> →There is always something going on in eCorrector! In the previous week we had the pleasure to participate in three conferences: Medical Science Pulse, #Translating Europe Workshop and XI Electrophysiological Conference. Medical Science Pulse The event, under the patronage of the Rector of the State Medical School of Higher Vocational School in Opole, focuses on the interdisciplinary nature of science and research, with particular emphasis on biomedical sciences, understood as a kind of scientific cooperation of researchers and the use
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