As the New Year approaches, we take a moment to look back at highlights of the past 12 months. It has been another year of great challenges, growth and new partnerships.
Expanding our translation and proofreading services
To respond to your needs, we started to operate more file formats. Our services now include PDFs, PPTX presentations, HTML, InCopy and LaTex files, and, obviously, Word as well as Excel files. We also are able to deliver projects by using CAT tools and customer platforms. The numbers speak for themselves ? almost 3 000 translation and proofreading projects!
Original initiatives
One of our main goals is to assist scientists in their efforts to publish the results of their research. We managed to complete our objectives for 2017 that regarded a launch of a new series of scientific writing guidebooks (prepared by our own specialist proofreaders!) and opening a unique Scientist?s Library.
New team members
The year 2017 also witnessed the growth of our customer service team. Agata Tychoniec and Justyna Cilulko-Dołęga have become great assets to our company. They are both very passionate and proficient in their respective fields. Moreover, we have established beneficial cooperation with nearly 200 quality native speaker translators and proofreaders.
Changes in the company
As we mentioned in one of the entries, we have decided to move our British headquarters to Cambridge. We want to be as close to the academic community as possible so we can grow ourselves ? like our Head of Scientific Proofreading, who gained his habilitation this year!
Lasting partnerships
It was also a splendid year with our returning partners ? Tetex Magazine, Scientific Journals of Martime University in Szczecin, Via Medica, Sioen Industries, AISBL Fur Office and many more. We have helped each other throughout this year and the cooperation does not seem to lose pace. In 2017, we also managed to establish new partnerships, e.g. with Medical Science Pulse, Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology, e-Mentor, Pro-Akademia. Moreover, we assisted the organisers of several conferences, such as the 10th Geosymposium of Young Researchers ?Silesia 2017? or ?Po Drugiej Stronie Lustra? Conference.
We would like to use this opportunity to wish all our partners, customers and colleagues all the best in 2018 ? may it be a year of growth, satisfaction and fulfilment.
Mission statement: to ensure textually clear, grammatically correct and properly localised proofreading and translations by native speakers of the target language.
eCORRECTOR has an excellent track record of providing proofreading and translations to individual academics, institutes and businesses. We are building a solid reputation and have a large number of customers who reuse our services as well as recommended it to others.
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