How eCORRECTOR have directly helped academic and techinical publishers

How eCORRECTOR have directly helped academic and techinical publishers

Polish science has a lot to offer ? we lead a number of crucial research projects which may shed new light on the present scope of knowledge. Unfortunately, language barriers and a relatively low percentage of Polish researchers publishing in English hinder the process of gaining recognition abroad. In order to support the internationalisation of science, eCORRECTOR prepared an offer of translating and proofreading addressed at publication editors and journals. Proofreading scientific articles for publication is our speciality ? we have


Experience the EXPERT CHAT for better customer service!

Experience the EXPERT CHAT for better customer service!

  We hope that you will be glad to hear that we have just introduced a new form of communicating with us, meaning the expert chat! We wish to help you in understanding the scope of our activity and services as well as shed some light on the best approach to a given text. From Monday to Friday, 8am to 8 pm, you can contact us directly by means of the expert chat, you can find it in the lower


Summer edition of the TETEX magazine

Summer edition of the TETEX magazine

We are proud to present to you a new edition of a well-known magazine ? European Technical Textiles Magazine TETEX.  It is a periodical professional publication series which provides comprehensive information regarding the market of technical textiles. The content is addressed not only to professionals and experts, but also to amateurs searching for better solutions. eCORRECTOR has the pleasure to cooperate with its publishers once again by providing professional translation and proofreading services.  The recent edition of the magazine inspires us to make use


Brexit? Not for us!

Brexit? Not for us!

We do not share the fear expressed by many persons following the decision of the citizens of Great Britain to proceed with Brexit. Our company thrives and constantly develops; our Polish and British branches gain more and more experience in handling specialist proofreading and translation jobs with each month. English is our source language for the majority of tasks we handle. Our offer includes specialist proofreading services addressed at a wide array of business and marketing-oriented texts. We also tend to the relationships with scientific


Write a CV in Spanish to upgrade your career!

Write a CV in Spanish to upgrade your career!

According to a popular opinion, a CV in Spanish is easier to construct than e.g. a British or German one. One of the reasons is that they are in general less detailed. Nevertheless, they still constitute a challenge. Studying or working in a country as beautiful as Spain may be a life-turning opportunity. While developing our CV Man project, we have gathered several dos and don?ts to help you explore this option. YES for a CV in Spanish: Mention the job you are applying for,


Cover letter in German ? several recommendations

Cover letter in German ? several recommendations

Our previous entry regarded the issue of preparing a CV in German. However, it is not the only document you may be asked to deliver to a prospective German-speaking employer. A cover letter in German in an equally important element of each application, even though it?s aim is a bit different. A CV is to present your professional career, education and gained expertise. In turn, a cover letter has to convince a given employer that he or she is reading


Translating subtitles ? another success for eCORRECTOR!

Translating subtitles ? another success for eCORRECTOR!

Our services regarding translation and proofreading by native speakers find more and more applications. A wide scope of tasks we have been entrusted with ? such as translating and proofreading scientific, medical or application texts and documents, along with professional audio recordings ?  has a new category, namely translating subtitles to promotional films. We have commenced cooperation with the Stowarzyszenie Grupa Odrolnika, which joins consumers and producers of high quality food. Their goal is to initiate and support actions preserving small traditional farms as well


How to prepare a good CV in German ? advice from CV man

How to prepare a good CV in German ? advice from CV man

Due to the fact that a number of highly sought after companies are located in the German-speaking areas, a CV in German is well worth considering. What is required is a document proving that you are the best choice your prospective employer can make. As each country has slightly different requirements when it comes to application documents, German employers also have their preferences in this area. We have gathered the most crucial points you may find helpful while preparing a


Professional CV for the English-speaking market – a few tips

Professional CV for the English-speaking market – a few tips

By sending an application you enter a recruitment process which may change your life ? for this reason, it needs to be a professional CV. Whether you are a business person, a scientist, a blue-collar worker ? such documents make the first impression on your prospective employer. Therefore, they should be error-free, written in a proper register and correct grammatical person (3rd for CV, impersonal constructions). eCORRECTOR wants to help you in preparing a professional CV. Within the framework of our


Kick-start your career with CV Man!

Kick-start your career with CV Man!

The holiday season is a time of relaxation, visiting new places, exploring cuisine, but also the launch of our new service at eCORRECTOR? CV man! A brand new service dedicated to translating and proofreading CVs and cover letters! The summer months create a great opportunity to kick-start your career, especially since application documents in foreign languages are more and more often required. This move gives time and resources to plan something even more exciting for holiday next year! Obviously, there