The beginning of a new year is a perfect opportunity to take a look at the passing 2018. We would also like to use this opportunity to wish our customers and native speakers all the best in 2019 – may it be a year of success and reaching for the stars.
A lot has changes at eCORRECTOR in 2018 ? top quality is still our paramount objective and we aim at it tirelessly. Introducing new paths in our functioning aims at providing tailor-made native speaker proofreading and translation services. Some have already been applied and it is our hope that they have a direct positive impact on the quality of our translation and proofreading services. Below you can find some highlights of 2018 at our company.
Projects – more and larger
Each year, we manage to successfully complete more and more native speaker proofreading and translation projects. There were about 5 000 of those in 2018 ? that’s 50% more than last year! Autumn was the busiest season for our native speakers, though some projects lasted throughout the entire year. We also carry out more and more projects using CAT tools, which allows us to complete larger projects within a shorter deadline. Returning customers prove that the quality of our scientific proofreading is very high.
Unique undertakings
This year was also a time of new tasks. We assisted our partners in preparing English-Arabic and English-Icelandic dictionaties. Our native speakers took part in an interesting project concerning emojis. We also took up a challenge of recording voice messages for one of our customers. Finally, namy fascinating discoveries got published thanks to our specialist proofreading service.
Conitnuations and novelties
We have prepared various entires in the Scientist’s Library, expanding the already rich offer of materials for academics willing to publish in English. We are also continuously working on the academic writing guidebooks. There was also a series of free online consultations with a native speaker, where you could ask questions about the English language.
New partners
We have established numerous business contacts with companies from the USA, United Kingdom, Denmark, the Czech Republic or Lithuania. We have also entered into a partnership deal with Smartcat. Together, we launched a campaign to increase the awareness of CAT tools amongst translators by hosting our first webinar. eCORRECTOR cooperates with a lot of universities and research facilities. Our new partners this year are, among others, the Museum of Koszalin, University of Casimir the Great, journals such as Human Movement, Meteorology Hydrology and Water Management ? Research and Operational Applicationand the Scientific Journals of the Maritime University in Szczecin.
Meeting partners, customers and translators
We participated in scientific conferences and industry events, where we could ponder upon translation itself and the education of translation specialists in Poland and worldwide. We started at the 5th International Conference Medical Science Pulse ?Interdisciplinary Science & Research? and the Warsaw edition of LocWorld, where we discussed the art of writing scientific texts. Another step was the Smartcat Partner Day in Warsaw ? our speech regarded the opportunities this CAT tool opens up for LSPs. Next, we attended the Konferencja Tłumaczy, where we talked about CAT education of Polish translators. During the Dimensions of Business Language and Culture DOBLAC 2018 event, we could present the technological means of providing top quality services. Incidentally, we also went to Zurich Zand the Russian Techtextil Week!
We are very eager to welcome the challenges of 2019. It is our hope that we will be able to assist you in reaching for the established goal by providing top quality native speaker services.

Cel działalności: dostarczenie tekstu, który będzie odpowiednio odczytany przez czytelników obcojęzycznych ? pozbawiony wpadek kulturowych czy nienaturalnych wyrażeń.
Wśród naszych klientów znajdują się osoby prywatne, instytucje kulturalne i państwowe, uniwersytety oraz ludzie nauki. Grono naszych zadowolonych klientów powiększa się bardzo szybko, co jest kolejnym dowodem naszego profesjonalizmu i rzetelności. Stale współpracujemy z kilkuset native speakerami języków docelowych, dokładnie weryfikując jakość ich pracy
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