Meet our editors and proofreaders: Sarah

Meet our editors and proofreaders: Sarah As a part of “Meet our editors and proofreaders” series, we interview some of the native speakers who edit and proofread your texts. Today we publish an interview with Sarah, PhD in History, from the University of St Andrews. She discusses her work and provides helpful advice about how to improve your academic writing. Research interests eCORRECTOR: What are you researching? Sarah: I’m researching medieval English law. My main focus is on how cases were


eCORRECTOR in 2018 ? a retrospect

eCORRECTOR in 2018 ? a retrospect

The beginning of a new year is a perfect opportunity to take a look at the passing 2018. We would also like to use this opportunity to wish our customers and native speakers all the best in 2019 – may it be a year of success and reaching for the stars. A lot has changes at eCORRECTOR in 2018 ? top quality is still our paramount objective and we aim at it tirelessly. Introducing new paths in our functioning aims


Verification and proofreading service at eCORRECTOR

Verification and proofreading service at eCORRECTOR

Writing is a creative process that may lead to great literature or breakthrough academic papers. Irrespective of the area, authors are rarely able to critically evaluate their texts and spot all the main errors. Here?s where proofreaders enter the scene. How to choose the best service for your needs? eCORRECTOR offers three types of proofreading services ? verification, standard proofreading and specialist proofreading. The main difference between verification and any proofreading is the fact that it includes a comparison of


Summer at eCORRECTOR

Summer at eCORRECTOR

Summer has been a time of vacations as well as intensive work. From June to August, our native speakers translated about 1,730,000 words and proofread over 1,500,000 words! Some of our projects were over 50 thousand words or were translated into more than 20 languages. Coordinating such tasks – especially with the distractions of the wonderful weather like this summer – required focus and discipline as well as skillful application of available technologies, e.g. CAT tools. Cooperation with Polish and


Language barrier should not stop your academic career

Language barrier should not stop your academic career

Some say that science is the universal language of the world. While it holds true for calculations, formulas and equations, other areas need natural languages. It is true that English has become the lingua franca of the scientific community. The expansion is so great that we sometimes forget that famous scientists were not actually native speakers of English. Quite a lot of people can quote Albert Einstein?s words and probably everyone can recognise him in pictures ? but who can


Translation and Proofreading of Grant Applications

Translation and Proofreading of Grant Applications

Research, especially in rapidly growing areas like biomedical science and engineering, requires substantial funding. Scientists have access to a number of grants that may help them finance their academic plans, e.g. the Visegrad fund, EU funds, ERC grant, NCN grants. It is normal in the career of a scientist for grant applications to be rejected, indeed quite often the rejection rate exceeds those grants accepted. This is the case for those at the start of their career all the way


eCORRECTOR proofread for e-mentor (an SGH journal)

eCORRECTOR proofread for e-mentor (an SGH journal)

Over the past year, we have successfully provided proofreading for many academic journals ? Ginekologia Polska, Medical Science Pulse, Acta Innovations, Scientific Journals of the Maritime University of Szczecin, to name but a few. This month we are pleased to announce that eCORRECTOR won a tender to provide English proofreading for the academic journal E-mentor. E-mentor is a bimonthly journal issued by the SGH Warsaw School of Economics and the Foundation for the Promotion and Accreditation of Economic Education. It is


MS Word ? an accessible tool for translation and proofreading

MS Word ? an accessible tool for translation and proofreading

One of the most popular software used when preparing documents, mainly text, is MS Word. This program provides a wide array of tools and options that help its users in the process of creating linguistically correct and visually attractive content. Word is also a great tool for translation and proofreading, and is regularly used by our translators and proofreaders. Translation by a native speaker in Word-like software The majority of professional translators use CAT tools to work on their assignments


Proofreading and translating in Excel

Proofreading and translating in Excel

Excel (and similar) software is usually associated with calculations, balance sheets, financial reports; however, our native speakers can also use it for translation and proofreading! Although such software is often not very word-friendly, it offers some tools that may actually assist your business in creating quality foreign language content. Programmes like Excel are made of rows and columns with many individual cells. This type of layout is useful when you have to create e.g. a brochure in several languages. You


Another visual project completed by eCORRECTOR

Another visual project completed by eCORRECTOR

We have already assisted some of our customers in proofreading albums and similar publications. One of the more unique ones regarded the cooperation with Instytut Łukasiewicza, where we helped to create a Polish-English album within the project What was the Truth? Nazi German Camps. Polish Heroes. Our native speakers were recently engaged in the project related to proofreading an album about John Paul II and his visits in the convent of the Ursuline sisters in Jaszczurówka. The publication was co-financed